Thursday, July 15, 2010

Workflow reflect one of the series - why not use them?

Since the workflow as hot topic in recent years, many information systems have been applied, but with unsatisfactory results, this demand from end customers to start analysis workflow can not be the real reason together, and In the follow-up article, what made the work flow to meet the actual needs of the domestic current.
鎴戜滑鍏堢湅涓?笅甯傚満鐑害銆?From the Internet search for "work flow", with 4.62 million results; mentioned workflow products or research and development project with its own workflow software vendors are on the 100; use of the work flow, excluding the final customer is their number. Not difficult to see from the above figures, both software vendors or end users, recognize the importance of the work flow.

The following is a Google Trends chart for, from the data perspective, the 2007 work is still of concern about the increased flow.

Look again at the practical application. According to the current industry analysts, the direction of the main applications are divided into two categories: Application Management and production type applications.绠$悊绫诲簲鐢ㄤ富瑕佹槸鍦ㄧ鐞嗕俊鎭郴缁熶腑锛屽鐢靛瓙鏀垮姟銆佷紒涓氬姙鍏嚜鍔ㄥ寲绛夛紱鐢熶骇绫诲簲鐢ㄦ槸鐢ㄥ湪鎸囦笓涓氱殑鐢熶骇淇℃伅绯荤粺涓紝姣斿瀹炴椂绯荤粺銆佹祦姘寸嚎鎺у埗銆傜鐞嗙被鐨勫伐浣滄祦涓昏闈㈠悜浜猴紝鐢熶骇绫荤殑宸ヤ綔娴佷富瑕侀潰鍚戣澶囨垨搴旂敤銆?Are specialized for production of basic software applications, are generally highly specialized industry software companies to provide, taking into account the needs of both business process real-time requirements are high, business rules, fixed, etc., less use of such software, workflow engine; Management application process needs complex, flexible and most suitable for a professional workflow engine.

Management software from the current point of view, really is not used and can use a good many reasons as follows:

1. Market product range, we are impatient to do things, not many really good products. This platform software for the initial investment required is very large, and many just want to quickly profitable, mid-life switch the "product" type company, very difficult to sink down calmly to analyze the market, hard research and development.

2. Product price high. We all know that much-needed R & D costs in product returns, maturity is not enough, when sales should raise the price of small sales.鑰屽浗鍐呭緢澶氫紒涓氭澶勪簬杩欑鐜妭涓婏紝浠锋牸涓嬩笉鏉ヨ嚜鐒舵槸棰勬枡涔嬩腑鐨勪簡銆?br />
3. Customer awareness is not enough. Workflow needs of many software projects, policy makers should select the most understanding of the professional workflow engine, but found his team is not able to clearly understand who this integration, thus no start. Like to see a vehicle you can know how to use, but suddenly one day carry people over a bare engine, we would be ignorant, and I do not know how to start.

4. Product maturity is too low. Customer has finally broken through stonewalling, it is ideal to buy a set of workflow products. However, often a nightmare has just begun. Workflow products as the underlying platform for application support links, if there are problems, will lead to "superstructure" of the catastrophe. And because of these reasons, many workflow products manufacturers have not yet reached the ideal maturity, resulting in many customers have chosen, after they forced to give up.

5. Products manufacturer awareness of the service is not enough. Many product manufacturers think they are experts in the business workflow and what process needs are met, naturally understood to be inclusive of their products that do not meet their idea of "heresy" be killed by a stick. But the real need is to follow the market and customer development can be sustained out of the show! Must clearly understand that this is a gradual, continuous process, only long-term customers with good service line to obtain the most appropriate relationship between market demand, and then only for products invincible. Just think, a loyal customer facing new demand, but manufacturers have told him that our work flow is the best product to meet market demand, you demand an unreasonable demand, we ignore.

The article focuses on why the use is not up to the workload of a simple analysis of hope that we discuss. Later in this series of articles will discuss other elements.

For details, please log


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